Security Hosting Plus
Yearly Renewal $29.95/month Features
- 99.9% Uptime Guaranteed
- Unlimited Disk Space
- Unlimited Bandwidth
- Unlimited Domains & Sub Domains
- Unlimited Email Accounts
- Unlimited MySQL Databases
- Unlimited FTP User Accounts
- Automated Weekly Backups+
- Renewable, Server Energy Emissions Offset
- Free New Hosting Transfers (see “Transfers” below
- Malware Protection: Monitoring & Removal
- Monthly SEO Rank Report for 10 Keywords; Google, Yahoo, & Bing
- Monthly Google Traffic Report
- Quarterly Browser Compatibility Check
- Daily Site Security Scans
- Password Strength Monitoring
- Site’s CMS Core Files Updated Quarterly *
- WordPress Plugin Updated Annually*
- File Permission Monitoring and Repair
- SEO Keyword Reporting for up to 25 Keywords; Google, Yahoo, & Bing
Transfers: Free new hosting transfers includes the free transfer of …
- 2 Websites
- 20 Domain Names
- 20 Webmail Accounts/Email Forwards
- 10 MySQL Databases
- 10 FTP User Accounts
Additional transfers, beyond those above, will require a custom transfer fee. Fees may vary. + Backups are for AllinWebPro use with restore services only, restores require an additional fee.
* CMS Core files that have been modified (not by AllinWebPro) may be lost or over written when quarterly update is preformed and the functionality they provided may be lost if the website was not created by AllinWebPro. CMS platforms include WordPress, Joomla, Drupal. Other CMS platforms may apply but must be approved in writing by AllinWebPro. Third party plugins incompatible with the latest version of WordPress will need to be deactivated or removed when we update WordPress. Plugins can only be updated if they have a new version that is compatible with the latest version of WordPress.