Recently Beth Fisher of Channel 13 News did a spotlight on Las Vegas GiveCamp for her Good Morning Las Vegas show “Making Las Vegas a Better Place to Live” to help raise awareness among area non-profits and volunteers. Las Vegas GiveCamp is a local hack-a-thon for charity co-founded and co-organized by All in Web Pro’s founder Owen Carver. The interview took place at the Work In Progress building in downtown Las Vegas, a co-working space where the event will be held at the end of June 2013.
Vegas GiveCamp is part of a national movement that has already raised millions of dollars in free technology services for non-profits in different cities across the country. The event has already received applications from over 50 non-profits and more than 40 Las Vegas web developers who’ve offered to volunteer their time and talent over a 3 day weekend to give local non-profits a technology upgrade in the form of a website, an app, or database management system. But the event isn’t just for web designers and web developers, it’s also open to graphic designers, online marketing consultants, content writers, app developers, and anyone else who can help area non-profits leverage technology.
Congratulations my dear friend!!!!
Hope that everything works wonderful!!!!
Sheers from Chile and hope to repeat that experience here!!!
Big and warm hug.