Graphic Design
Optimizing Images for the Web
It’s been proven that web design with more visuals and graphics tend to be more effective than those without. Unfortunately, graphic design is more complicated than simply dropping photos or images onto a web page. Before you start changing your website’s graphics, be sure to check out these tips for implementing photos in your web page designs.
Making sure to use images to capture an audience is important but so is not losing your clients due to slow load times because of poorly optimized images. Most users only wait around 3 seconds before leaving a webpage on desktop because of slow loading images and only 5 seconds on mobile devices. Follow these 3 tips to help ensure you don’t lose clients due to poor image optimization.
Optimize Image Sizes:
Web pages are designed on a foundation of millions of pixels. This topic is just as important in graphic design and the choice and selection of photos, because if an image isn't designed to be large enough for the space it’s meant to occupy, in most cases it will look pixelated and lose image quality. When an image is too big for the space it's meant to occupy it can take add excess file size weight to a webpage slowing down load times for both desktop and mobile-users. It's possible to also over-optimize and make a image low quality in exchange for faster load times. It's therefore extremely important to optimize your photos correctly for the web.
Avoid Generic Images:
Visitors to your webpage are already very familiar with visiting a websites and perceiving whether a webpage is professional or assembled cheaply. When it comes to graphic design, your website visitors may recognize certain very commonly used stock images. If you don’t want your company to be interpreted as generic, we recommend avoiding using the most popular stock images or very generic looking images that visitors might already recognize because they are already used on thousands of other websites across the internet.
Invest in Professional Photos:
This is a costlier solution to the problem mentioned above, but it will be well worth the investment. An investment in professional photography will draw the eye of your website’s visitors and create a stronger emotional connection to the written content on each page. Conversely, photos of poor quality or photographs that have little or nothing to do with the unique text content on each webpage is arguably worse than having no photos at all on a webpage.
Take your time to get your website right. Ask for help from professionals when you need it. Optimized photos on the web give your online presence something more unique and memorable for visitors, and when done by a professional agency that does both web & graphic design it will usually increase your search engine rankings, or SEO, as well.
If you need a trusted Las Vegas web design firm that takes graphic design seriously, look no further than All in Web Pro. Our experienced design team will work with you to find your brand’s voice and help you put it onto the page. If you are ready to take your brand to the next step, contact All in Web Pro today.
4 Easy to Avoid Web Design Mistakes
As a small business, your website is of the utmost importance. When visitors make it to your website they are coming for a specific reason and you want to be sure that you can quickly, and efficiently, provide them with a solution to their needs. If your website design is flawed and difficult to navigate, your company could be missing out on a lot of potential leads and ultimately revenue. Here are a few mistakes to avoid in your website design so you can maximize your website’s effectiveness and provide a positive experience to your customers.
1. Understanding Your Target Market:
Many companies make the mistake of not properly understanding their target audience and the different types of customers that fit that description. This often results in web designs that are not optimized and don't work properly for the audience they are trying to attract and engage. Figuring out your target demographic can be extremely helpful in determining the website design approach that works best to give visitors a positive experience while they are using your website.
2. Having an Unclear Call to Action:
What is your goal once users have found your website? Be sure to direct your visitors clearly to this goal. Help show them where the next step is through a concise and prominent call to action. One of the best ways to do this is to first ask yourself what the quickest and easiest way is for visitors to get value from your product or service, then create a call to action (CTA) that helps you quickly give the customer access to that value or collect their data so you can deliver it to them right away.
3. Stale or Boring Content:
Users want your website’s information to be the latest, most up-to-date content available. If your website has very old content that hasn’t been updated, many customers may assume that you are being the times or might not have nice services or products. Additionally, content that is not very valuable, uninteresting, or not engaging can make your visitors lose attention and click away. Work on a way to write your content in a professional but appealing manner that is easy and interesting for your target audience read and stay interested in or want to come back to read more later.
4. The DIY Route:
Your website is the best way for you to interact with your customers. You want to be sure you make your web design, layout, and content choices a priority and make sure there are reasons behind why you made the design decisions you did. A website designed without a professional web and graphic designer involved can potentially lead to mistakes or missed opportunities that result in a loss of revenue due to your customers leaving your site early or not finding what they wanted to, being unimpressed with the design, or not being as engaged as they could have been. A bad design can negatively impact your customers' thinking by making them associate your services and brand with an unprofessional appearance.
These points are just a things to keep in mind to help you avoid a major problem with user experience in your company’s website design and content. It is especially beneficial to make your customers happy and that applies to their experience with your company not just in person but online. If you need some help or have any questions feel free to contact us and we will be happy to help you any time.
If you have questions or are thinking about making a change in your business’ web presence don’t hesitate to contact All in Web Pro for a professional consultation today.
Nevada Volunteer Research Initiative: Website Launch
The Nevada Volunteer Research Initiative (NVRI) started in 2014 wanting to provide information about volunteerism in Nevada and how to improve it. In 2015 they conducted a survey revealing details on the people who are volunteering and what motivates them to offer volunteer. They took the collected data and combined them into a report to share with colleagues and partner organizations. UNLV Professors Dr Jennifer Keene and Dr Takashi Yamamashita, both key members of the NVRI team, approached our Las Vegas Web Design team at All in Web Pro to come up with the best way to share their findings in a visually engaging online website that everyone could easily access. To help the NVRI we came up with a branding solution for a digital and print campaign to promote themselves and the survey; by creating a website, brochure, and redesigning the reports presentation.
The first concern they had was while they themselves were credible professors they needed a way to visually communicate the value of the data and establish the report as a reliable and legitimate source of important information at a glance. Their branding which included the logo design needed a combination of professional appearance mixed with bringing a sense of warmth and caring to reflect the philanthropic tone of the subject of their research, community volunteerism. We used a combination of traditional type fonts with a simple yet effective illustrated icon. This clean and modern style of drawing were carried throughout the rest of their branding assets.
The NVRI website was built in WordPress with a custom theme featuring CSS3 animated bars to make report stats visually appealing. You can visit to learn about them and their findings. You can even view a copy of their 2015 report which we designed.
Important Factors that Affect Your Web Design Cost
3 Factors that Affect Your Web Design Cost
One of the questions we receive a lot of is “how much will my website cost?”. This can be very difficult to answer because of the many different types of websites and time it takes to build each one. There are some major factors that can change the price of your website which we have compiled in this article:
1. The components and features you need.
Never assume that your needs are “simple” or should be cheaper than a designer’s standard rate. Some things look easy but are very complicated, while others seem like a big deal but are very easy to implement. Your site may only consist of a single page, yet that doesn’t mean it’s automatically cheaper than one with 5 or even 100 pages.
The thing is, that even if something is simple for a designer to handle it has taken years for them to learn that skill much like a doctor or attorney. Additionally, things can require custom development during construction which may necessitate additional time to either create or troubleshoot a unique component. Generally the more custom features, graphics, functionality, and components you request that are unique to your site the more it will likely cost.
2. Your designer’s skill level.
Yes, you can get a website for $150. No, it won’t be the same quality as a website that costs $1500. It’s like the difference between a bicycle and a Lexus. Both will get you where you need to go, but one is decidedly faster, provides a more comfortable user experience, and requires less effort for a user to operate than the other.
Designers who charge more are typically providing you with expertise you won’t find at a bargain rate – and in most cases, the value of the benefits will certainly outweigh the added costs. If you automatically choose the cheapest option, you risk hiring a designer who may have poor communication, an unclear process, inconsistent follow-through, no support after completion, or a sub-par or faulty end product. Don’t say we didn’t warn you!
This goes for the same as using a build-it-yourself site like Wix or SquareSpace. You can get a nice looking site but you may end up spending a hundred hours to do it and have a website that is missing important elements or that is not organized, modern, or user-friendly.
3. How demanding you are as a client.
In the interest of being honest, I’ll share a tidbit that can add to the cost of a website. If you as a client are not organized in advance and don’t have your project information like initial vision or revision request organized, succinct, and collected into one easy to read document, it will most likely slow down communication, require extra time to be spent in follow-up conversations to clarify your feedback, and will take time away from both yourself and the company you hired, ultimately delaying the final completion date of the project and potentially costing you more money.
Over time, designers learn how to identify challenging clients, and although we take many precautions to ensure our design & development processes are clear and straightforward, we also make sure that we are compensated for any extra work caused because of a highly demanding client. Please remember that designers also have lives away from our computers a healthy long lasting business to business relationship works both ways.
Like lawyers, depending on the project, graphic designers and web developers have the ability to bill clients for time spent on rushed projects that require work outside of regular work hours, or even for time needed to meet, call, or email with a client depending on the type of project and service agreement in place.
As a client the best thing you can do is allow your designer the time he or she needs to complete the list of work they currently have and not make edits in the middle of a project, especially if it isn’t going to be finalized yet. Also, it’s extremely important to follow the procedural instructions of your designer or developer. If they require all revisions or information to be submitted at that time, it’s important to spend the time necessary to have your information prepared so that no surprise changes need to be made near the end of the project that should have been brought up in the beginning.
So How Much Should I Pay?
Good Question. A good website on the low end will probably cost anywhere between $3,000 and $5,000. This is a very rough estimate for basic but good quality informational website for a business. From there the cost can go up depending on how many additional features, components, custom work, or special considerations you are requesting. If you are looking to only spend $2,000 or less, you may as well just use a do-it-yourself web editor, or use a creative solution such as forwarding your domain name to a simple business listing page like your Google Places or facebook page until you have enough time and money to invest in a professionally built website. For another rough estimate of web design costs, feel free to use this web design pricing calculator for a general example of how prices change as more features are added to a website quote.
Interested in getting some web development done? Contact our team at All in Web Pro today!
5 Steps to Take Before you Build a Website
You’ve decided to get a website. Terrific! You may be asking yourself “now what?”. It can be tempting to jump right into choosing a template or design you like and running full steam into the development process. Although this is tempting there are proven steps that will help your website development process go easier.
These five steps will ensure you have a final product you can be proud of and that accurately represents your company or organization.
Step 1: Plan Your Text
Text (or web copy) is the backbone of your website. It can attract clients if presented the right way or it can scare them off when it lacks focus or has typos. Paying close attention to what you write and how you write it can make a huge difference. Think of an average reader, then use clear and accessible language in your writing so that everyone can understand it easily.
Write the content for your pages before you contact a web developer. By writing and re-writing your content you will be able to determine exactly how you want people to see your business before any design is ever done.
Step 2: Choose a Company Name and URL
If you haven’t yet chosen a name for your company, think about what your URL will look like. You don’t want a website that reads "". Short, clear names are easier to understand and look great online. Choose a name that is simple and short with a meaning that you can brand and stick with.
Stay away from picking a company name just because it has a keyword you want to target, instead go for branding and let the keywords take care of themselves. And if you’ve already chosen the name of your company, there are still several variations of the name of your company and for the domain extension you choose (.com, .co, .vegas) that can give you the best domain name and online brand possible.
Step 3: Choose a Color Palette and Logo
Once you have a name picked you will want to decide on colors for your brand and a logo. Having a designer create your logo is well worth the effort as that can make you look much more professional than if you were to create one on your own.
Colors mean different things and talking to a designer can help you find a color scheme that works for your website and logo. Be careful to pick colors and designs that you can use for print advertising, vehicle wraps, letterhead, online media, etc.
Step 4: Choose and Use Great Photos
A business website requires different photos: photos of your products, a portrait photo for the ‘about’ or ‘bio’ section, an introductory photo for your home page, etc. Since we’re living in the age of images, you need to choose your images carefully and make sure they’re high-resolution and the best possible quality. Stock photos can work but if you have the ability, have custom photos taken by a professional photographer. Much like the logo your photos have the power to make your website stand out and impress visitors.
Step 5: Research Rinse and Repeat
This could very well be step 1, but researching is important through the entire stage of building a website. Look at competitors to see what you like and don’t like about their websites. Make lists of important pages, content, calls to action, and features that you want on your site. Ask other professionals in your field and your past clients what would like to see on your website. Getting input from trusted and relevant sources can be invaluable in the decisions you make about your website’s design.
For help with your next web project contact us at All in Web Pro at 702-331-0650!
Professional Web Design Services
All in Web Pro is a professional web design company located in Las Vegas. Our professional web design, graphic design, custom web development, and internet marketing solutions are perfect for any size business. We create the perfect online presence for our clients that exceeds industry standards and expectations. Our services include not only professional web design but complete website overhauls, graphic design, custom web application programming, and search engine optimization through our local SEO partner. No matter your needs, All in Web Pro will deliver a quality strategy that will redefine and energize how you do business online.
When customers want to find a business, whether it's a local restaurant or a global retailer, the web is the first place they look. A professional web design can help you increase sales and expose your business to thousands of new clients. A professional web design not only makes it easy for customers to find your business on the web, but it also gives you a place where you can create your own unique online presence, from a full-blown web store to a simple online business card with your contact information, hours and location.
All of our professional web designs are created from scratch to deliver an attractive, usable and sustainable online presence to help your brand capture and convert new business opportunities and deliver your message to potential customers. No matter what your business objectives, our professional web design experts can create the perfect website to engage customers and drive sales. Our goal is to give you a great website that will help your business grow.
Once your website is complete, we can work on all of the other online aspects that help market your site and bring your company up to the top of search engines. Whether you are launching a new online store or you want to rebuild an existing one, we are here to help you every step of the way.
So, what are you waiting for? Contact All in Web Pro today and let us get started creating the professional web design you’ve always dreamed of.
Las Vegas Graphic Design Services
All in Web Pro is a leading Las Vegas graphic design company. Our talented designers are ready to work on any graphics you need, whether it is logo design, stationery, website, book cover, packaging, t-shirt design, app design, brochures, or any other graphic work that you can think of for print or web. If you need it, we’ll create it! We'll work together to get your product or online service designed better and faster than you thought possible. You will receive high quality designs and work directly with our designers to bring your vision for your design ideas to life.
If you’re a new business, you need to create a unique “look” for your brand to ensure you stand out from the crowd. It’s very common for business owners to be unsure how to do this or where to do it. All in Web Pro will create a memorable, unified look between all your business’ marketing materials including your business logo, website design, business cards, letterhead, envelopes, flyers, marketing materials, and anything else you might need.
Even though All in Web Pro specializes in creating graphics for the web, we love designing graphics of all types, including print graphics, and would love the opportunity to help create your company’s brand. As professional designers with years of experience in graphic design, web design and more, we know the importance of quality better than other Las Vegas graphic design firms. Contact us today and our hands-on design team will work closely with you to deliver a product that will exceed your expectations.
5 Design Tips for Building Your Website
Successful Web Design
The aesthetics of a website have never been as vital as they are today. Whether you’re building your website for yourself or a client, it has become crucial that you stay updated with current web design trends and market demands. However, it’s undoubtedly difficult to keep up with the pace of the internet and the ever-changing trends in web design. Web designers know that the key to a successful web design is understanding the principles of design in addition to the expectations of your target audience and leveraging them towards your specific online conversion goals while balancing these needs with your unique budget and timeline.
If you take these things into consideration, you'll be able to influence your visitor’s behavior and drive traffic to your website. In this article, we’ll outline 5 design tips for building your website.
1. Explore and Research Websites in Your Target Market
Researching other websites in your target market will help you guarantee your design is up to date on current trends and that it's in a style that your visitors will relate to. Analyze your competitor’s websites and take notes on their features that interest you in addition to those that don’t. Using these notes while designing your site will help you deliver a captivating and effective design that’s current to your industry.
2. Keep it Simple and Familiar
It’s a good idea to make use of design elements that your visitors will recognize, the most obvious are a navigation bar, header, footer, etc. This will help make certain your users can navigate your website without getting confused and will help build trust and reliability into your website. Using unfamiliar user interface elements might frustrate your users and cause them to leave your site. After all, the goal of your site is to drive your users towards a specific action, and you want it to be easy for them to quickly perform that action.
3. Use Great Fonts
Choosing a great font is a vital step in designing a captivating website. Make sure you select a font that's legible enough to make your content very easy to read while matching the style and feeling you want your brand to convey.
4. Make it Mobile-Friendly and Responsive
Mobile users are ever increasing and make up a large portion of internet traffic. Moreover, search engine giant Google has announced they're giving precedence to mobile-friendly websites when performing searches from a mobile device. This makes it very important for websites to embrace a mobile-friendly design so that they're accessible to the largest audience possible. You can test to see if your website is mobile friendly according to Google using their Mobile Friendly Test page.
5. Use Color Effectively
Color is an important aspect to any web design. Effective use of color will help you engage your visitors and encourage them to interact with your site. Because of this, it’s essential to choose your colors carefully and ensure they're appropriate to your website. Each color has a deep meaning behind it and conveys an emotion to the viewer. Although individuals may differ in their perceptions of color, you must understand what message you wish to convey with your website before you start selecting colors. For example, all colors convey meaning. And having an overall black theme and background to your website may subconsciously convey a feeling of mystery or danger that might not align with a company that wants users to feel they are open, safe, and transparent.
Staying Current is Essential
Web design is constantly changing and new fads and trends will continue to pop up and fade out. Yet it’s essential to stay up to date with current trends to avoid having an outdated website, especially if there are opportunities to improve the experience of your users and take advantage of opportunities to gain more visibility in search engines. The tips we’ve covered in this article will help you think about things to consider when envisioning a new a captivating web design for your brand.
About All in Web Pro
If you’re looking to have a website professionally designed by web designers who understand current web design trends, look no further than All in Web Pro. We are a leading Las Vegas web design company, and we’ll make sure that you’re delivered a professional web design solution that will engage your audience, showcase the best you have to offer, and drive your visitors to take the actions you desire to convert to sales and growth.
Call us today for a free web development consultation to get a free estimate for your next custom website or web application. 702-331-0650
Graphic Design for the Web
Graphic Design for Digital Media
Graphic design for the web refers to the process of creating digital visual media assets used on a website or other digital platform. The graphics may be used to enhance or enable the representation of an idea or a feeling in order to reach a virtual or in-person audience. Graphic design services for the web may be used for everything from enhancing the appearance of web pages to serving as the presentation and user interaction layer for dynamic and data rich web applications.
Designing with a Purpose
Graphic design for your website is performed by a graphic designer and implemented into your digital medium by a web design expert or digital marketer. The main job of a graphic designer is to design visual elements for the web or for print that convey a message, emotion, or move viewers to take a specific action. All of these purposes can be achieved with graphical layouts for websites, posters, brochures, flyers, advertisements, social media graphics, and much much more. The goal of a digital graphic can also be as simple as catching someone’s attention, or it could aim at making them interested in purchasing a new product, clicking a link on a website, or performing a specific conversion action such as signing up for a newsletter or sharing a link on social media.
Graphics of All Shapes and Sizes
At All in Web Pro we provide every kind of digital graphic design service that your business or brand might need, among the other services we offer. We are focused on providing the best graphic design services for your brand in digital and print formats, as well as web design services. Our custom graphic design solutions cater to businesses of all sizes, no matter if you need a website layout, logo design, custom letterhead, flyers, business cards, outdoor banners, billboards, or even car wraps.
Get Started!
All in Web Pro is a graphic design and custom web development company based in Las Vegas, Nevada. We know that well designed graphics can be the key element that makes your brand stand out online and grab your users’ attention, and are critically important since every design has the potential to serve a valuable and specific purpose for your brand.
Call us today to schedule a free consultation and quote for your next graphic design project. We’re excited to hear from you! 702-331-0650
New Website Launch: Café do Paraíso
In 2010 our founder, Owen Carver, visited Brazil for a business conference which led to an opportunity to sell specialty Brazilian coffee beans in the U.S. market. Over several years the business model evolved into a U.S. based coffee roasting operation importing farm-direct Brazilian coffee beans to be roasted in Las Vegas Nevada and sold online.
Café do Paraíso has been an ongoing project which has only been made possible by the long-term hard work and dedication of Owen, the All in Web Pro team and Brazilian business partners. Café do Paraíso was officially incorporated in 2013 as an LLC in Nevada and aims to become a major player in the specialty coffee market in Nevada and hopefully all of the United States.
All in Web Pro played a key role in the development of the Café do Paraíso brand through the development of its logo, brand assets, product packaging and layout, and e-commerce website. After conducting a soft-launch of the coffee in December of 2013 selling coffee to friends, family, and early adopters, Café do Paraíso is now looking forward to launching its full roasting operation in the 2nd quarter of 2016 after new plumbing installation is completed to ensure the coffee roasting warehouse is fully compliant with Nevada Health Department codes.
If you drink coffee you have to buy a bag of these amazing coffee beans and taste them for yourself! Please go to and sign up for the newsletter to be updated by email as soon as the coffee is ready for purchase on the website.