New Website Launch: VEGAS IPSUM
Seems like every one and everything is getting their own form of Ipsum these days…
Lorem Ipsum is filler text designers use in preliminary layouts to visually demonstrate text formatting with out the distraction of meaningful content, usually Latin text. As more and more designers crank out new designs, Latin text seems to become rather dull and boring, that is why Bacon Ipsum, Hipster Ipsum, and even Samuel L. Ipsum come along to save the humdrum day! Yet, here at All in Web Pro, we felt there was something missing…
Sure bacon is delicious and tasty, but do you need that much extra calories in your design?
Yes hipster speak is totally “mainstream” and “cool”, and who doesn’t quote Samuel L. movie statements on a daily basis?
But what’s more fun and exciting then Sin City herself??? The design is a fun bright retro throw back to Las Vegas! This is its initial launch and will soon be introducing new features which will include more Categories like: Gambling, Vegas Strip, Vegas Tech, Area 51, Movies, and more! Plus new Vegas Characters are set to make their appearances on the home page. So make to sure to bookmark it! Share it! And check back regularly for all the new features as you Vegas your Ipsum!